Latest in: US-Pakistan Trade

A two $2 billion increase in one year...Read More
Pakistan wants close US ties, immediate end to Ukraine conflict – Army Chief
The statement is significant in the context of recent political rhetoric...Read MoreApril 2, 2022 522 1 -
Growing US-Pakistan trade raises hopes for better ties
Thanks to Pakistan’s textile exports, the U.S.-Pakistan trade is has been on the upswing, and now experts say the new Joe Biden Administration could facilitate greater commerce between the longtime allies, whose relations have seen many...January 23, 2021 732 0 -
US helps Pakistan establish platform to evaluate safety of medicines
In partnership with the United States, the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan has launched an innovative online platform to efficiently evaluate the safety and effectiveness of medicines. A USAID spokesperson says both the countries worked together...December 4, 2020 592 0 -
US greets Pakistan on Independence Day
Greeting the Pakistanis on their Independence Day, U.S. Secretary of State Mike said Washington looks forward to strengthening its partnership with Pakistan in the years to come. In a message on the occasion of their 74th...August 14, 2020 705 0 -
The Battle for Pakistan and the US Relations
“In 2008,” Shuja Nawaz writes in the preface to his recently published book, The Battle for Pakistan: The Bitter US Friendship and a Tough Neighborhood, “I began working on the event that led to The Battle...June 13, 2020 1270 1 -
Key ways U.S., Pakistan can boost their trade and investment ties
By Marvin Weinbaum and Syed Mohammad Ali Improving currently under-performing bilateral trade and investment is perhaps the single most effective means by which the two nations can better converge their interests and demonstrate the practical value...March 8, 2020 3289 0 -
A strong Pakistan will be in U.S. interest – New Washington think tank study
As the U.S. prepares to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan after this week’s Pakistan-facilitated peace deal – that paves the way for negotiations between Kabul and the Afghan Taliban – a new study Wednesday called for...March 3, 2020 1032 0