Latest in: White House

In a landmark moment of American history, President Joe Biden proclaimed June19th as a federal holiday, reminding his fellow Americans of...
Stepping up U.S. response to coronavirus outbreak, the White House said Tuesday the Administration wants to send checks to...March 17, 2020
President Donald Trump claimed “complete and total exoneration” as the Justice Department announcement that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe...March 25, 2019
Ambassador Asad Khan vows efforts to reinvigorate US-Pakistan ties
File Photo: Ambassador Asad Majeed Khan Photo: USAID Pakistan’s new ambassador to the United States Dr. Asad Majeed Khan has said he will work with the Trump Administration and strategic thinkers to strengthen U.S.-Pakistan relationship, which...January 12, 2019 1428 0 -
Nikki Haley resigns as U.S. Ambassador to UN
In an unexpected development, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has resigned from her position and President Donald Trump has accepted her decision. Haley, a former governor of South Carolina, led the Trump Administration’s...October 9, 2018 968 0 -
Trump sends Eid greetings to Muslims
Photo: HiraV/Wikimedia Commons President Donald Trump has sent Eid greetings to Muslims around the world, calling the occasion an opportunity to strengthen relationships among communities. Here is the presidential message on Eid al-Fitr as released by the...June 15, 2018 885 0 -
U.S. withdraws from Iran nuclear deal; to re-impose sanctions
President Donald Trump on Tuesday terminated the U.S. participation in the Iran nuclear deal, calling it “unacceptable” and while announcing re-imposition of sanctions against Tehran. “The Iran Deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions...May 8, 2018 1015 0 -
White House aide looks forward to growing U.S.-Pakistan relationship
The United States and Pakistan have a lot to gain by working with each other, a senior aide to U.S. President Donald Trump, said while speaking at a Pakistan Day event at the country’s embassy in...March 24, 2018 1259 0 -
John Bolton to be new U.S. national security adviser
Photo: State Department/Wikipedia Former US ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton will be the new White House National Security Adviser, replacing General H.R. McMaster, who is also retiring from the military. President Donald Trump revealed...March 23, 2018 1514 0 -
Friday Blog: Finally, a positive North Korea news for the Trump White House
Photo: An aerial view of Washington Monument. Credit: U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Andy Dunaway/Wikimedia Commons Thanks God it’s Friday (TGIF) Somewhat chill in the Air… کچھ کچھ خنکی سی Altogether it’s a lovely Friday evening...March 9, 2018 2011 0