Latest in: White House
Trump pledges to ban devices that turn weapons into machine guns
Photo: Zach Rudisin via Wikimedia Commons Amid growing calls for gun control measures in the wake of 17 deaths in a Florida high school shooting, President Donald Trump Tuesday said his administration is working to ban...February 21, 2018 1831 0 -
White House cites support for infrastructure reform
Photo: Cezary p/wikimedia The White House on Wednesday said Americans across the spectrum support taking actions to rebuild America’s infrastructure as President Donald Trump pledged reform to step up work toward that end. Trump has proposed...February 14, 2018 1426 0 -
Trump speaks of immigration ‘bill of love’ but also wants border wall
Signaling his support for a bipartisan legislation to fix U.S. immigration, President Donald Trump said for the first time that he would be ready to “take the heat” from his political base but at the same...January 10, 2018 819 0 -
McMaster says Trump’s foreign policy approach out of his ‘comfort zone’
Image Credit: U.S. Army Public Affairs/Wikimedia Commons President Donald Trump’s American foreign policy approach is out of the comfort zone and it has altered the international community’s view of the United States but not necessarily in...December 29, 2017 1799 0 -
Inaction over Hafiz Saeed to have repercussions for US-Pakistan ties
Photo: Zach Rudisin via Wikimedia Commons The White House has called for immediate re-arrest and prosecution of Hafiz Saeed, alleged mastermind of 2008 Mumbai attacks, saying inaction on the issue will have repercussions for US-Pakistan relations. “The...November 25, 2017 949 0 -
White House: Allegations of sexual misconduct against Moore ‘very troubling’
President Donald Trump finds allegations of sexual misconduct against Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore as “very troubling” and believes it is the people of the state who decide on choosing their lawmaker, White House said...November 17, 2017 1042 0 -
New immigration plan seeks far-reaching changes
In a major move on the issue of immigration, President Donald Trump has expressed his support for legislation seeking to introduce a new points-based system for new legal permanent residents, and effectively reduce immigration by half...August 3, 2017 1275 0 -
US, India resolve to step up counterterrorism cooperation
The United States and India on Monday stood shoulder to shoulder against terrorism, and vowed to fight the scourge jointly through intelligence-sharing and operational-level counterterrorism cooperation. A White House statement following a meeting between President Donald...June 27, 2017 1107 0 -
Trump sends Eid greetings to Muslims; says US committed to values of mercy and compassion
President Donald Trump is saying Eid ul Fitr greetings to Muslims in the United States and around the world as they celebrate the culmination of the Islamic holy month of Ramazan. A White House message says...June 24, 2017 1257 0 -
Trump extends Ramadan greetings; Vows partnership with Muslims for peaceful world
White House Photo by Cezary p/wikimedia President Donald Trump has wished a joyful Ramadan to Muslims around the world and reaffirmed his pledge to work with the Muslim countries in curbing terrorist activity for a peaceful...May 26, 2017 1310 0