Latest in: World economy
A view of Lahore Ring Road, Photo: Faisal7714014/Wikimedia Commons South Asia has regained its lead as the fastest growing...April 18, 2018
Young women look for work at a job centre in Tianjin, China. Photo: ILO The disconnect between world economic...November 21, 2017
Economic upturn opens window of opportunity to tackle key challenges
Silicon Alley centered around Flatiron District NYC, Photo Dave Lindblom/Wikimedia Commons In a communiqué released after the International Monetary and Financial Committee meeting in Washington, world’s top finance managers welcomed the continuing global upswing in economic activity...October 16, 2017 1222 0 -
World economic growth to rise to 3.5% in 2017
With buoyant financial markets and a long-awaited cyclical recovery in manufacturing and trade, world growth is projected to rise from 3.1 percent in 2016 to 3.5 percent in 2017 and 3.6 percent in 2018, the International...April 18, 2017 1551 0