Latest in: World
U.S. ranked the second-most competitive economy on global index
Oakland, California, Photo: Basil D Soufi/Wikimedia Commons A decade after the global financial crisis, the prospects for a sustained economic recovery remain at risk due to a widespread failure on the part of leaders and policy-makers...September 27, 2017 1451 0 -
So…Sonterra…. Create Value for People
Evening is falling here. I am sitting in a hotel room, in front of the window, on the 18th floor. This hotel is majestically built and located by the Red Sea. I am looking at the...August 18, 2017 1731 0 -
New report says record high number of civilians losing lives in Afghanistan conflict
Kabul after a massive explosion Photo: UNAMA/Jawad Jalali Calling the Afghan conflict an “ugly war, “the United Nations has said civilians lives – including those of women and children – continue to be lost at record...July 18, 2017 1595 0 -
Unprecedented heatwave, and more to come, warns UN weather agency
Photo by Jessie Eastland/Wikimedia Commons With mercury shooting up in several parts of the world, the United Nations weather agency is warning that more heatwaves to come. The World Meteorological Organization says extremely high May and...June 22, 2017 1978 0 -
Israeli occupation policies, blockade ‘key cause’ of Palestinian suffering: UN report
A Palestinian girl inside her family’s partially destroyed home, looks at the destruction outside, in the Shejaiya neighbourhood of Gaza City. Photo: UNICEF Israel’s occupation in the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza are the...June 1, 2017 1225 0 -
Trump extends Ramadan greetings; Vows partnership with Muslims for peaceful world
White House Photo by Cezary p/wikimedia President Donald Trump has wished a joyful Ramadan to Muslims around the world and reaffirmed his pledge to work with the Muslim countries in curbing terrorist activity for a peaceful...May 26, 2017 1311 0 -
Shocked world leaders express solidarity with Britain after Manchester bombing
People scrambling for exit after bombing attack in Manchester Arena Photo Credit: Screenshot/Zack Bruce video/Twitter/BBC Twenty-two people were killed and several more injured Monday evening when a suicide bomber struck Manchester Arena, where people attended a...May 23, 2017 1495 0 -
Amid soaring Pakistan-India tensions, UN urges dialogue on disputes
Flag lowering ceremony at Wagah border between Pakistan and India, Photo: Kamran Ali/Wikimedia Commons Amid exacerbating South Asian security situation, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has underscored the need for India and Pakistan to find a peaceful solution...May 16, 2017 1478 0 -
A Pakistani-Indian love story with deepening marriage mystery
The photo by S.M. Samee shows a traditionally costumed bride signing wedding papers, via Wikimedia Commons Marriages between Pakistanis and Indians are not common. Nor are the legal and travel complications arising from cross-border weddings. But this...May 8, 2017 1814 0 -
Journalists face increasing online and physical threats – IFJ
A photographer running away from a burning vehicle – Photo Credit Aziz Ahmed The ongoing wars and conflicts are not the only threats journalists face in the line of duty. A variety of vested interests and...May 3, 2017 1446 0