Pakistan pioneers production of diet mangoes
The availability of sugar-free mangoes is a cheerful news for many...Read MoreJune 28, 2021 1996 0 -
Pakistan’s wheat potential beyond bumper harvest
By Dr Bettina Robotka and Ikram Sehgal With a population of more than 200 million people, more than half of which are living below or close to the poverty line, the production and distribution- of...April 30, 2020 2374 1 -
Irony of hunger: Agricultural workers feed the world but remain a starving community
Farmers whose produce feeds the world have scant food left for themselves. A new report says agricultural workers – who make up one third of world’s workforce – have the hardest time accessing food for themselves,...November 8, 2018 1286 0 -
Fair trade policies key to ensuring food security – Study
Countries with rising populations, lower growth and scarce natural resources are likely to be “increasingly dependent” on imports to feed their people in the near future. Overall exports from countries and regions with plenty of agricultural...July 6, 2018 1100 0 -
Sunflower growth promises to be premier source of edible oil
Crowned by glittering yellow flowers, his bountiful field in central Punjab is a source of hope and accomplishment for farmer Ahmad Hussain as the oil seed sunflower crop nears harvest. “I have cultivated sunflower for the first time in...May 11, 2018 1543 0 -
Why prickly cactus could soon be an essential tasty food
Stamen of fish hook cactus, Photo: SKsiddhartthan/Wikimedia Commons The days of the thorny cactus being dismissed as worthless and invasive species are over as the harsh realities of climate change is pushing agriculturalists to market it...December 1, 2017 2342 0