Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence likely to contribute $ 15.7 trillion to world economy by 2030
As economists and IT leaders wonder about promise and perils of robots and ever new automated machines on jobs and governance, a new report this week said Artificial Intelligence could contribute a massive $ 15.7 trillion...July 1, 2017 2071 0 -
Gaming and artificial intelligence are allies in search for inclusive progress
The Global Festival of Ideas for Sustainable Development in Bonn, Germany. Photo: photothek/Ina Fassbender, Courtesy United Nations What is the name of the game? Playable Policy Conference. But what is the end goal? Development. The first...March 4, 2017 2162 0 -
Artificial Intelligence – Tech giants, opportunities and challenges
Featured image above by Polimerek in MIT Museum during Wikimania 2006 via Wikimedia Commons Where is artificial intelligence? All around. Both offline and online. In what form? From commuting to computing, artificial intelligence (AI) has almost...November 5, 2016 843 0