Bernie Sanders
Sanders ends 2020 presidential campaign
Senator Bernie Sanders, who garnered support of millions of working class Americans and diverse communities, Wednesday announced an end to his 2020 presidential campaign, leaving it to former vice president Joe Biden to run against President...April 8, 2020 854 0 -
Super Tuesday makes it Biden vs Sanders for Democrats
Vice President Joseph Biden chalked up a string of impressive victories in southern states as the Super Tuesday vote elevated him to the forefront of the Democratic primary race, pitching his pragmatism against Senator Bernie Sanders’ progressive...March 4, 2020 994 0 -
How Sanders is firing up Democratic voters with a multi-generational, multi-racial coalition
The Democratic party appears to be heading into an unprecedented evolutionary phase and Senator Bernie Sanders is driving the movement for such transition. Soon after his convincing victory in diversity-rich Nevada, the Vermont threw light on...February 23, 2020 816 0 -
American Muslim political body Emgage endorses Bernie Sanders
Emgage, one of the largest American Muslim political organizations, has endorsed Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, citing his inclusive campaign and commitment to equality of all citizens. “More than any other presidential candidate, Senator Sanders has built...February 21, 2020 1002 0 -
Sanders in double-digit lead nationally as Bloomberg qualifies for Nevada debate
The Democratic primary enters a diverse phase this week as Senator Bernie Sanders consolidates his national lead to 31% among party voters and billionaire Michael Bloomberg qualifies to appear in Nevada debate. Bloomberg’s entry – in...February 18, 2020 665 0 -
Bernie, Biden or Bloomberg?
As Joe Biden, widely seen as the candidate closest to Democratic establishment’s idea for moderation, tumbles in early primaries, Senator Bernie Sanders has emerged as the top contender after strong showings in Iowa and New Hampshire....February 16, 2020 1258 1 -
Bernie Sanders leads polls as Democrats go to New Hampshire primary
After a vote counting process fiasco in Iowa caucus, Democratic presidential candidates go to New Hampshire primary on Tuesday in a contest that may provide some clarity who emerges on the top of the party hopefuls....February 10, 2020 622 0 -
2020 Election – With 32 million voters, could Latinos have bigger sway than ever before?
With a record 32 million voters, Latinos will be America’s largest racial or ethnic minority in a U.S. presidential election as political parties gear up for 2020 polls in a polarized environment. For the first time...February 1, 2020 1417 0 -
Sanders says US should stand for peaceful Kashmir resolution that respects the will of Kashmiris
Senator Bernie Sanders, a Democratic presidential contender, has lambasted the Indian move to annex Jammu and Kashmir as “unacceptable” and called for U.S. support for a UN-backed peaceful resolution to the simmering conflict. “I am also...September 1, 2019 1229 0