Capitol Hill
House impeaches President Trump after heated partisan debate
The House on Wednesday voted to impeach President Donald Trump on both articles – misuse of power and obstruction of Congress – setting up a trial in the Senate in January 2020 at the start of...December 19, 2019 685 0 -
Speaker Pelosi launches formal impeachment inquiry; Trump calls it presidential harassment
In a high-stakes move, Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday announced formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump‘s actions, arguing that he has violated the Constitution and acknowledged that he asked president of Ukraine to take actions...September 25, 2019 710 0 -
Pakistani-Americans seek Congressional support for a forceful US stance on Kashmir
A Pakistani-American organization is seeking Congressional support for a strong U.S. stand for the rights of Kashmiri people, who have been subjected to an unprecedented Indian military lockdown in the disputed region after New Delhi’s suspension...September 19, 2019 1732 0 -
Clouds stream back over D.C. after a sun-baked July week
The nation’s capital sizzled as the July sun scorched, making the 90 plus temperatures feel like 110 Fahrenheit. On July 23, photographer and Views and News contributor David Salik captured this image of the Capitol Hill....July 26, 2019 752 0 -
In the wake of Omar’s stance, historic House resolution condemns anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim bias
After days of intense deliberations, the U.S. House of Representative passed a resolution condemning anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and racism in what Congresswoman Ilhan Omar – whose accusation of allegiance to Israel – prompted the move – called...March 8, 2019 747 0 -
‘Our rightful place is also in Congress’
The election of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib to U.S. Congress represents a momentous occasion for American Muslims, who have been struggling to defeat some stereotypes. Omar (D-Minnesota), a Somali-American who came to the United Sates...January 7, 2019 1294 0 -
Democrats take the House; Trump narrative works for GOP Senate victory
Democrats wrested back the House of Representative in a fiercely fought midterm election Tuesday that also gave Republicans victory in the Senate as President Donald Trump’s narrative continues to find appeal in his conservative base. The...November 7, 2018 850 0 -
Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are first American Muslim women elected to Congress
In a momentous moment for American Muslims, voters elected two women –Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar – to U.S. Congress as Democrats took the House of Representatives in the intensely fought 2018 midterm polls. The victories...November 7, 2018 1695 2 -
U.S. to counter China’s growing influence with big investments in countries
A map showing China in red, Members of the AIIB in orange, the six corridors in black Image Credit: Lommes /Wikimedia Commons Amid growing Chinese influence in several developing regions, the United States has decided to...September 2, 2018 1305 0 -
Mark Zuckerberg to go to Capitol Hill with mea culpa & resolve to improve Facebook
File Photo, Credit: Brian Solis, /, via Wikimedia Commons Facebook Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg is scheduled to appear before the House Committee on energy and commerce with a clear acknowledgement of mistakes around privacy of...April 10, 2018 1001 0