Climate Change
2021 was the 7th straight year of 1°C temperature above pre-industrial levels
Weather data shows global warming trend to continue...Read MoreJanuary 20, 2022 590 0 -
Climate challenge became more alarming in 2021
The extent of sea ice in September 2021 was the 12th lowest ...Read MoreDecember 29, 2021 504 0 -
Climate meet outcome ‘not enough’ for the planet hanging by a thread
'A two-degrees increase in mercury is a death sentence.'...Read MoreNovember 14, 2021 728 0 -
Half of the world could face flooding, storms, tsunamis by 2030 – UN
Rising sea levels caused by the climate emergency ...Read MoreNovember 8, 2021 645 1 -
COVID lockdowns improve air quality but not enough to stem climate rot
What will stop the climate decline?...Read MoreSeptember 5, 2021 891 0 -
July 2021 declared the hottest month in history
Wildfires, flooding and droughts point to climate change ...Read MoreAugust 20, 2021 1190 0 -
World drifts farther apart from climate goals
Even the hottest days of the year cannot bring people on one platform to deal with the climatic changes including global warming. The raging fires in the United States and flash floods in Europe seem to...July 29, 2021 830 0 -
Antonio Guterres wins second UN term as pandemic tests a divided world
To "work together to advance the UN Charter at a time of great peril and promise."...Read MoreJune 18, 2021 636 0 -
Climate change – weather may grow warmer by 1.5C before 2025
The much-feared 1.5C jump in the temperatures may not be far away after all. It might come as a reality check for climate change deniers in the next few years as mercury shoots up with weather patterns more...May 29, 2021 1856 0 -
Climate migration in South Asia to soar by millions – New Study
A NASA image of Cyclone 2 making landfall near Karachi Pakistan More than 62 million South Asian people will be forced to migrate from their homes due to climate disasters by 2050, according to new research from ActionAid International...February 12, 2021 1037 0