Coronavirus outbreak
World drifts farther apart from climate goals
Even the hottest days of the year cannot bring people on one platform to deal with the climatic changes including global warming. The raging fires in the United States and flash floods in Europe seem to...July 29, 2021 831 0 -
Pakistan COVID-19 spike – WHO recommends intermittent lockdown
The World Health Organisation has recommended that Pakistan should impose an “intermittent lockdown” to curb the spread of Covid-19, noting that the South Asian country doesn’t meet any prerequisites for lifting restrictions that carried out on...June 9, 2020 673 0 -
Imran Khan launches initiative to engage overseas Pakistani health professionals
The Imran Khan Government has launched a new initiative to encourage Pakistani expatriate health professionals’ voluntary participation toward improvement in the key health area, currently on the forefront of the fight against coronavirus. Named Pakistan Diaspora...April 26, 2020 981 0 -
Coronavirus outbreak likely to cost world economy $1 trillion
The coronavirus-triggered uncertainty is likely to cost the global economy $1 trillion in 2020 with possible ramifications for all countries, the UN’s trade and development agency said Monday in its latest report as stocks plunged in...March 10, 2020 743 0