Donald Trump
Pakistani-American Khizr Khan appointed to US Commission on Religious Freedom
President Joe Biden has picked Pakistani-American Khizr Khan for appointment as an independent commissioner with the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. Khan, founder of the Constitution Literacy and National Unity Project, is an advocate...July 31, 2021 1116 0 -
Biden is now President-Elect; Kamala Harris the first woman to be Vice President
Democratic Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States while Kamala Harris will be the first woman in American history to make it to the office of vice presidency. After four days of...November 7, 2020 885 0 -
With more than 90 million votes cast, U.S. sees high turnout in the pandemic-shaped election
With three days still left for the 2020 election day, more than 90 million Americans have already cast their ballots in the contest between President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden. The pandemic appears...November 1, 2020 710 0 -
Trump tests COVID-19 positive; begins quarantine process
President Donald Trump and the First Lady Melania Trump have both tested positive and begun the process of quarantine, a month before the presidential election due to take place on November 3. The president confirmed the...October 2, 2020 627 0 -
Sanders ends 2020 presidential campaign
Senator Bernie Sanders, who garnered support of millions of working class Americans and diverse communities, Wednesday announced an end to his 2020 presidential campaign, leaving it to former vice president Joe Biden to run against President...April 8, 2020 854 0 -
US chamber for payroll tax break, quick loans to offset coronavirus impact
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is advocating a raft of swift relief measures including a three-month freeze on employers’ payment of payroll taxes and quick disbursement of loans to businesses to mitigate coronavirus-triggered job losses, and...March 17, 2020 753 0 -
Key ways U.S., Pakistan can boost their trade and investment ties
By Marvin Weinbaum and Syed Mohammad Ali Improving currently under-performing bilateral trade and investment is perhaps the single most effective means by which the two nations can better converge their interests and demonstrate the practical value...March 8, 2020 3289 0 -
A strong Pakistan will be in U.S. interest – New Washington think tank study
As the U.S. prepares to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan after this week’s Pakistan-facilitated peace deal – that paves the way for negotiations between Kabul and the Afghan Taliban – a new study Wednesday called for...March 3, 2020 1032 0 -
U.S., Taliban sign peace deal towards withdrawal of American forces, end to conflict
Nearly two decades after the United States invaded Afghanistan – following the 9/11 terror attacks – the U.S. and Taliban have signed an agreement that would allow a full withdrawal of American forces within 14 months...February 29, 2020 914 0 -
Trump renews mediation offer on thorny Kashmir dispute
President Trump has said he remains committed to mediating between India and Pakistan on the disputed Kashmir region, where people have been throttled under strict restrictions since New Delhi ended its autonomous status in August last...February 25, 2020 836 0