Donald Trump
Clinton leads Trump by four points as candidates take the battle to swing states
Two days before the general election, Hillary Clinton leads rival Donald Trump by four points in the presidential race, which entered a last-minute frenzy ahead of Tuesday’s vote. A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll Sunday...November 6, 2016 828 0 -
Clinton, Trump make final push through swing states
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump entered the final stretch of a bitter campaign – marred by mudslinging and ceaseless accusations – with each candidate declaring the other as unfit to be president on the eve of...November 5, 2016 945 0 -
Virginia Update: What do the latest polls reveal?
As election fever grips the Commonwealth, also known as “Mother of presidents,” reading into the latest polls amidst a tightening contest could be a double-edged prospect – some findings might resonate with voters while others might...November 3, 2016 977 0 -
Battleground Florida : What will decide the tightening race?
Just six days away from election, Florida has once again emerged as the make-or-break battleground state, as both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump make whirlwind trips to the state and pour millions of dollars into ads in...November 3, 2016 1050 0 -
Donald Trump edges ahead of Hillary Clinton in new tracking poll
For the first time in months, Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, is slightly ahead of Democratic aspirant Hillary Clinton, according to the latest ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll. The latest reading of public opinion says...November 1, 2016 901 0 -
In latest poll, Clinton leads Trump by six points in Virginia
Hillary Clinton continues to lead Donald Trump by a margin of six points a week before November 8 election, a new poll said Tuesday. A new Washington Post-Schar School poll carried out from Thursday through Sunday,...November 1, 2016 796 0 -
Hillary Clinton calls email development deeply troubling; demands clarity
Hillary Clinton has demanded immediate release of more information about the latest FBI probe related to her private emails as secretary of state and criticized timing of the development days ahead of November 8 election. At...October 30, 2016 975 0 -
Hillary Clinton leads Trump by 15 points in Virginia : Survey
Virginians are expressing a huge support for Hillary Clinton around three weeks away from election, as the Democratic candidate now leads her rival Donald Trump by 15 points. The latest findings of Christopher Newport University say...October 18, 2016 898 0 -
Clinton seen ahead of Trump in latest polls; Last debate could be crucial
Around three weeks before the presidential election, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump appear to be maintaining favorable standings among their constituencies, with the Democratic candidate having an overall edge. After a turbulent week for Trump, two...October 17, 2016 913 0