What makes American states wealthier than foreign countries?
The United States produces as much as 24.3% of world’s combined GDP while it is home to only about 4.3% of the world’s population. Is there one factor or several stimuli that helped the United States...April 4, 2019 1588 0 -
Fair trade policies key to ensuring food security – Study
Countries with rising populations, lower growth and scarce natural resources are likely to be “increasingly dependent” on imports to feed their people in the near future. Overall exports from countries and regions with plenty of agricultural...July 6, 2018 1100 0 -
Preparing U.S. workforce in an era of disruptive technologies
Technological innovation has been a hallmark of American progress but the latest developments in artificial intelligence are disrupting industries, jobs and growth prospects for communities. So, what is the way forward for America to meet these...April 13, 2018 1062 0 -
Trump picks Larry Kudlow as chief economic adviser
Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons The U.S. economy continues to generate encouraging number of jobs and the stock market has also been responding optimistically to President Donald Trump’s promises of infrastructure revamp and tax reforms. But...March 15, 2018 1613 0 -
2017 ending with world economic growth momentum, trade rebound
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Europe Container Terminals, terminal Maasvlakte/Wikimedia The world economy seems to have lived through a spate of political and natural tremors in 2017 as the year concludes with a broad economic uptick in several...December 26, 2017 2038 0 -
Trump eyes “biggest tax cuts ever” before the end of 2017
Photo: Screenshot/Fox News Calling his proposed tax plan as the “biggest tax cuts in the history” of the United States, President Donald Trump Sunday believed that Congress would be able to pass it before the end...October 22, 2017 1108 0 -
U.S. economy continues to grow despite hurricanes, some disruptions
Federal Hall and George Washington statue, NYC, Photo Musik Animal/ Wikimedia Commons The U.S. economy grew at a pace split between modest and moderate during September and early October while some areas reported major disruptions ffrom...October 19, 2017 1177 0