Imran Khan launches initiative to engage overseas Pakistani health professionals
The Imran Khan Government has launched a new initiative to encourage Pakistani expatriate health professionals’ voluntary participation toward improvement in the key health area, currently on the forefront of the fight against coronavirus. Named Pakistan Diaspora...April 26, 2020 981 0 -
Lady Gaga to curate new program in celebration of healthcare workers fighting coronavirus
Image: Lady Gaga Credit: UN/WHO Singer and songwriter and Lady Gaga will curate a program One World Together At Home to celebrate the front line healthcare workers everywhere for their battle against coronavirus pandemic. The World...April 7, 2020 1298 0 -
WHO asks reluctant countries to share data as coronavirus cases outpace China
For the first time, the number of coronavirus cases outside China has outpaced those inside the country, where it originated with most probable transmission happening from wild animal food to humans. The World Health Organization, a...February 27, 2020 887 0 -
Health body says coronavirus not yet pandemic as stocks plunge amid new cases
A sudden increase in new cases of COVID-19 – commonly known as coronavirus – is deeply concerning but the spread of the disease is not yet a pandemic, a global health body says as death toll...February 25, 2020 707 0 -
Guess, what’s Americans’ preferred breakfast food
Is it coffee or tea with buttered slices? Fresh orange juice? A bowl of cereals dipped in milk? Toasted bread ? Or just a cup of milk? These are the common food items spread out on America’s morning tables. But...November 21, 2019 1193 0 -
Why growth in a high-debt scenario depends on people-focused policies
The public debt around the world has been at the highest level in recent years while growth is screeching to just tepid levels in many countries. The scenario is not limited to any one part of...April 14, 2019 1066 0 -
Two million Yemeni mothers could face death as famine fears, war multiply miseries
Yemen is reeling from both famine and war with children dying of hunger and families facing the worst ever shortage of food. The aid agencies have been unable to reach all starving communities in the war...November 1, 2018 1104 0 -
Pakistani startup Marham wins Audience Choice Award at Google Demo Day Asia
Marham, a Pakistani startup connecting people with healthcare experts online, won recognition at the Google Demo Day Asia held in Shanghai on Friday, winning the Audience Choice Award. The audience at the Demo Day – which...September 21, 2018 1198 0 -
In Swat, an organization strives for health and education for women, children
The world has come to know Swat through the extraordinary Malala and how she stood up heroically for girls’ education. It is also well worth taking the time to learn of Swat’s other extraordinary female heroes....July 29, 2018 1748 0 -
Despite innovation, developing countries struggle to raise quality of health care
Photo by the Global Fund/Nana Kofi Acquah shows a home-based caregiver in a village near Kayar, Senegal It’s not just a lack finances, but a shortage of professional skills coupled with high percentage of patients contracting infection in...July 10, 2018 1403 0