Prominent Saudi says India’s Islamophobia has angered the Arab world
A leading Saudi journalist and former editor of newspaper Saudi Gazette, Khaled Al-Maeena has said that the Arab world faced the worst kind of malicious and hatred attacks from Indians amid criticism of ongoing violence against...May 17, 2020 1346 0 -
India’s persecution of Muslims shocks the Gulf region as Kuwait moves OIC
The Gulf region, which is home to millions of Indians, has finally woken up to the horror that Muslims are going through in the South Asian country, where a right-wing majoritarian government often shows anti-Muslim bias...April 28, 2020 152460 13 -
World human rights bodies ask India to release Kashmiri prisoners amid COVID-19 crisis
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Monday called for a “very close look” at the continued incarceration of Kashmiris prisoners in jails under Indian control amid growing coronavirus cases. Six leading international human rights organizations jointly demanded...April 6, 2020 896 0 -
Amnesty urges full Internet access as Kashmiris remain in the dark about coronavirus outbreak
Kashmir is back to a strict lockdown-like environment after the revelation of a coronavirus infection. But the region reels from lack of information as communication has never been restored fully in the disputed region. Now people...March 20, 2020 721 0 -
Spreading tensions threaten to char India’s soul – Manmohan Singh
As images of gruesome violence in capital New Delhi – mostly targeting Muslims -tarnish India’s international standing, former prime Minister Manmohan Singh has warned that social tensions would “char soul” of the country, once held up...March 6, 2020 1417 0 -
U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom condemns Delhi violence; asks India to protect Muslims
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) expresses grave concern over the ongoing violence taking place in Delhi, India’s capital city. As President Donald Trump’s inaugural visit to India winds down, northeastern Delhi has...February 27, 2020 1237 0 -
Trump renews mediation offer on thorny Kashmir dispute
President Trump has said he remains committed to mediating between India and Pakistan on the disputed Kashmir region, where people have been throttled under strict restrictions since New Delhi ended its autonomous status in August last...February 25, 2020 837 0 -
Cambridge and Seattle cities ask India to repeal citizenship law
The City Council of Cambridge, Massachusetts has unanimously passed a resolution, asking India to repeal the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act that excludes Muslims from becoming a citizen under a new plan. Cambridge, the seat of learning...February 14, 2020 604 0 -
US voices concern over Indian restrictions in Kashmir as diplomat embarks on South Asian visit
The Trump Administration is dispatching its senior South Asia official to the region facing a spate of crises including ongoing crisis in Kashmir, Afghan fragility, and US-Iran tensions. Alice G Wells, who heads U.S. policymaking on...January 13, 2020 699 0 -
Imran Khan says Pakistani-Americans could help counter Indian narrative on Kashmir
Praising the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America, Prime Minister Imran Khan has suggested that Pakistani-American could a valuable voice to counter Indian narrative on Kashmir. Speaking at an event in Peshawar, Khan...December 28, 2019 893 0