Digital divide is the new face of inequality even as COVID-19 demands awareness
Nearly half of the global population, 46.4 percent, cannot connect to the Internet at a time when digital technology is vital to mounting an effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the International Telecommunication Union, ...June 14, 2020 1305 0 -
Amnesty urges full Internet access as Kashmiris remain in the dark about coronavirus outbreak
Kashmir is back to a strict lockdown-like environment after the revelation of a coronavirus infection. But the region reels from lack of information as communication has never been restored fully in the disputed region. Now people...March 20, 2020 721 0 -
Free speech and privacy declining globally – Freedom House
Freedom House issued its annual report on “Freedom on the Net 201: The Crisis of the Social Media” Tuesday, warning that social media is an increasingly precarious tool for mass surveillance and manipulation of elections. The report...November 7, 2019 1090 0 -
New study calls for a Declaration of Digital Interdependence
The digital technology should help shape an inclusive future, safety and opportunity for all, pitches a new UN tech report. “The Age of Digital Interdependence” is a work of the UN High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation,...June 11, 2019 1092 0 -
Are we making Artificial Intelligence work for all?
Apparently, Artificial Intelligence is benefiting all with ease in some of the key fields like small business, communication, medical and transportation. Coupled with machine learning is the ubiquitous use of the Internet of Things. They are...May 30, 2019 787 0 -
New study sheds light on social media users’ dilemma
By now, it’s become crystal clear – the Internet like much of the world is in a state of flux. But there is one thing that sounds perennial about the digital debate – our search for...May 20, 2019 1093 1 -
Why cybersecurity should be a top priority?
With ever-expanding global connectivity through Internet and mobile communication technologies, the number of worldwide users of the Internet has swollen like anything. And, so have cybersecurity threats. According to a new World Economic Forum report, by ...April 21, 2019 1762 0 -
The disconnect – Half of the world’s population still not using the Internet
For people already connected to the superhighway of information and commerce, it might just be a news story that now half of the world’s population uses the Internet. But for millions – still not using the...December 9, 2018 1129 0 -
The quality service connection: ‘Satisfied’ and ‘enthusiastic’ customers
Image: A Call Center in Florida, Credit: Petiatil/Wikimedia Commons Increasingly, organizations are turning to contact centers, as a way to drive competitive advantage, to create a systematic and a sustainable differentiator and to improve customer loyalty, repeat...June 7, 2018 1115 0 -
Pakistan moves to tax U.S. tech giants following similar Indian decision last year
Photo: ITU Pakistan has decided to impose a 5% tax on digital revenues of companies including U.S. tech giants like Amazon, Facebook and Google, Islamabad has is also looking to bring offshore-controlled companies into its tax...May 6, 2018 1176 0