Smartphones: 77 % of Americans go online daily; 26% almost constantly
Photo: HLundgaard/Wikimedia Commons Mobile phone connectivity has seen the number of adult Americans going online almost constantly to 26% while overall 77% of Americans go online on a daily basis. According to Pew Research the portion...March 16, 2018 1297 0 -
Internet, not the cause but can be facilitator in radicalization: Study
Photo: ITU As experts look for causes behind extremist mindset in vastly different societies, a new study finds the Internet is not the initiator of violent behavior but could be a facilitator within the process of radicalization. The...January 1, 2018 1066 0 -
Saying goodbye to Net Neutrality – what’s your (s)take?
Photo: Fabio Lanari/Wikimedia Commons This month the Federal Communications Commission announced its intent to eliminate rules that currently make the Internet available to all without any discrimination in speed and content just like other utilities under...November 27, 2017 1968 0 -
Reliance on the Internet to be inescapable despite trust issues
The world is likely to live with trust and privacy issues in the years ahead as the dependence on the Internet is set to grow, according to a new report. Pew Research Center, which conducted with...August 12, 2017 1394 0 -
Young people are the force behind rapid Internet expansion
Photo: Tomwsulcer/Wikimedia Commons Young people aged 15-24 are pushing the Internet use to new boundaries, constituting 71 percent of the nearly half of the world’s population connected to the digital information and connectivity highway. Of the...August 1, 2017 1533 0 -
Tech giants form Internet Forum to counter terrorism
The world’s leading four tech companies including Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube are forming a Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism with the objective to make their hosted consumer services hostile to terrorists and violent extremists....June 27, 2017 9789 0 -
Google’s decision to end reading emails for ads and privacy concerns
Featured Image By Google Inc/ Wikimedia Commons Like an overwhelming majority of things technological, personalized advertisement based on email scans is a double-edged prospect for users : it compromises privacy but it brings ads to users without...June 26, 2017 1135 0 -
How to restore real voices at work when Email tamps down productivity
Photo: Email bdtbt.png/Wikipedia Email is consuming our time, confusing both our personal and professional relationships, commandeering our attention at work, and over-complicating our lives. Here are some suggestions to create more harmony. When I was a...June 11, 2017 2991 0 -
Net neutrality – Where are we headed?
Photo by Brian Solis and JESS3/Wikimedia Commons The Federal Communication Commission on Thursday voted 2-1 along party lines to launch the process of saying goodbye to net neutrality, which is deemed by its proponents as enabler...May 19, 2017 2846 2 -
‘Next Generation 5G mobile systems promise lightning Internet speed ‘
For users of the Internet, disaffected with the now-fine-now-patience-testing pace of communication, a hopeful news emerged Wednesday : work on the next generation mobile networks, 5G mobile systems, is on track to provide lightning speed by...February 24, 2017 1730 0