Trump vows to do his best on Kashmir mediation; State Department urges India to free detainees
With the siege of Kashmir now into third week, President Donald Trump Tuesday vowed to do his best to mediate on the thorny dispute between South Asian foes India and Pakistan. On the same day, Washington...August 20, 2019 890 0 -
Amid continuing Kashmir siege, Trump asks Modi to reduce tensions with Pakistan
With Kashmiris continuing to suffer under Indian siege, President Donald Trump Monday asked Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to reduce tensions with Pakistan over the disputed territory, partly controlled by the two South Asian nuclear-armed neighbors....August 19, 2019 736 0 -
Khan renews talks offer to Modi as Pakistan-India peace remains elusive
For the third time, Prime Minister Imran Khan has addressed a letter to his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi inviting him to resolve disputes through dialogue. The move comes after a military standoff between the countries in...June 8, 2019 1708 0 -
Modi’s reelection heightens concerns over future of Indian Muslims
Jama Masjid Delhi, Image Credit: Shashwat_Nagpal/Wikimedia India has for centuries been one of the most diverse countries but Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s reelection for another five-year term has raised questions about the future of the...May 24, 2019 860 0 -
Pakistan alerts world powers against Indian designs of another attack
India is planning to launch another attack inside Pakistan, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said Sunday, while asking world powers to take note of New Delhi’s “irresponsible” behavior. Qureshi told journalists in his hometown of Multan...April 7, 2019 701 0 -
In dramatic move, India backs out of talks with Pakistan
In a dramatic move, New Delhi has unilaterally called off talks between Indian and Pakistani foreign ministers, which were due to take place this month in New York on the margins of UN General Assembly session....September 21, 2018 1025 0 -
US, India resolve to step up counterterrorism cooperation
The United States and India on Monday stood shoulder to shoulder against terrorism, and vowed to fight the scourge jointly through intelligence-sharing and operational-level counterterrorism cooperation. A White House statement following a meeting between President Donald...June 27, 2017 1107 0 -
US media censures Modi for anointing anti-Muslim politician as UP chief minister
Yogi Adityanath Photo:Screenshot/ABP News Confirming worst fears that a politically strengthened Narendra Modi would dole out top positions to BJP hardliners, the Indian prime minister picked Yogi Adityanath, a known anti-Muslim politician to lead Uttar Pradesh....March 25, 2017 1327 0