New Delhi
US for direct Pakistan-India talks as Islamabad links trade revival to Kashmir
The United States says it backs direct dialogue between India and Pakistan on “issues of concern” as Islamabad linked the resumption of trade with its neighbor on New Delhi’s rollback of its 2019 unilateral decisions on the...April 8, 2021 715 0 -
India’s Kashmir window dressing with EU parliamentarians’ visit backfires
India’s attempt to use a group of right-wing European Members of Parliament to gain some international legitimacy for its August 5 annexation of the disputed Kashmir territory has backfired as the European Union says it did...November 2, 2019 711 0 -
UN slams Indian repression in Kashmir; says political decisions taken without Kashmiris’ consent
In a forceful denunciation of Indian restrictions still in force in the Indian-administered Kashmir, the United Nations has said major political decisions about the disputed territory are being taken without consent of the affected people. Rupert...October 29, 2019 694 0 -
Modi still has a chance to reverse India’s self-defeating course – but will he choose to do so?
The early warning signals coming out of India are blaring, as a disaster has been in the making for years. The unfolding crisis – not just in Kashmir but in mainland India – threatens to tear...August 24, 2019 1832 0 -
UNSC likely to have a closed meeting on Kashmir Friday
The UN Security Council is expected to meet on Friday to consider Pakistan’s request for to address the precarious situation in the Indian administered Kashmir. The 15-member body will meet amidst ratcheting tensions between Pakistan and...August 15, 2019 1483 0 -
Pakistan-India trade drops amid ongoing tensions
The world headlines may just be waning of repercussions of the U.S.-China trade wars but South Asia is already feeling the heat of self-inflicted losses from a trade spiral down between Pakistan and India. As nuclear powers...May 10, 2019 776 1 -
In dramatic move, India backs out of talks with Pakistan
In a dramatic move, New Delhi has unilaterally called off talks between Indian and Pakistani foreign ministers, which were due to take place this month in New York on the margins of UN General Assembly session....September 21, 2018 1025 0 -
UN hits back at India for campaign against blistering Kashmir report
The United Nations ace human rights body is hitting back at India for its unfounded criticism of a blistering report documenting a number of incidents establishing New Delhi’s use of lethal force against Kashmiri people. Pakistan has...July 19, 2018 914 0 -
UN seeks highest-level international probe into Kashmir violations
In an unprecedented report, documenting gross human rights violations in the disputed Kashmir territory, the United Nations has proposed a commission of inquiry to ascertain the predicament facing people of the region divided between India and...June 14, 2018 1576 1 -
Manmohan Singh: Modi Government responsible for Kashmir troubles
Amid raging insurgency in Indian-controlled Kashmir, former prime minister Manmohan Singh has accused the ultrantionalist Narendra Modi government of failure to address troubles in the disputed territory – also a scene of worsening Pakistan-India shelling. Singh,...March 18, 2018 1149 0