U.S. officials discussed conduccting nuclear tests
In the wake of allegations that China and Russia conducted low-yield nuclear tests, the Trump administration reportedly considered whether to carry out the first U.S. nuclear test explosion in 28 years. America’s top security officials discussed...May 24, 2020 702 0 -
US backs leadership role for India; wants decisive Pakistani action against terror
The United States views risk of a Pakistan-India conflict resulting a in nuclear exchange among its chief concerns in South Asia. A White House document detailing President Donald Trump’s national security strategy also sees leadership role...December 19, 2017 1126 0 -
Trump says he doesn’t blame China for trade imbalances
Photo: Screenshot/White House official YouTube video President Donald Trump, long a critic of US-China trade imbalances, Wednesday said he does not blame Beijing but the past American administrations “for allowing this out-of-control trade deficit to take...November 9, 2017 1196 0 -
Why North Korean threat is not going away
In early August, the world watched with growing anxiety as the governments in Washington and Pyongyang ramped up a war of words; each exchange was louder and more strident, each threat was more determined than the...August 16, 2017 1370 0 -
What should drive policy on North Korean threat-Diplomacy or Fear?
Late July and early August have brought new attention to a long and still-growing international concern – that of the developing nuclear arsenal being built by the unpredictable regime of North Korean dictator Kim Jung-Un. A...August 9, 2017 1803 0 -
India escalates nuclear tensions
South Asia, NASA Map Pakistan is ringing alarm bells over what it calls New Delhi’s massive clandestine nuclear arsenal build-up as well its precarious nuclearization of the Indian ocean. Chief Foreign Affairs Adviser Sartaj Aziz has...February 12, 2017 1163 0