Will coronavirus pause in pollution sharpen our focus on saving the climate?
If you thought canals and rivers in the cities, flowing in a clean flush of water, and the cityscapes present a much clearer sight than before, mean a boon for the climate, think again. It’s right...April 7, 2020 1289 0 -
One million species face extinction – New UN Study
Findings of a new globally sourced report have put the world on a sharp notice. The future of the planet seems so different now that one million species could be gone within a few decades if...May 7, 2019 1279 0 -
Our ocean mess: More plastic than fish by 2050
Photo: Underwater world Credit: Fascinating Universe/Wikimedia Commons Will scenes of colorful ocean life become a thing of the past? Fear are already rising that the coming generations may not be able to enjoy watching or witnessing...June 10, 2018 1683 0 -
Pollution, the largest killer, claims 12.6 million lives every year: New Report
A UN file photo shows birds scavenging for food amidst the debris at the landfill in Danbury, Connecticut Credit:Evan Schneider A stunning new report says every part of the planet and every person is affected by...November 18, 2017 1231 0