Interfaith thought: Family remains the anchor of contented life
How often we take things for granted in life as we immerse ourselves in the daily struggles and joys of life! That thought kept reverberating in my mind as I attended a rare presentation on the...June 5, 2018 1958 0 -
In concert with the times
Photo: Screenshot/ABC News The wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle was not just another regal occasion of pomp and pageantry at Windsor Castle. Blessed by an electrifying African-American Bishop, the marriage between the Prince and...May 20, 2018 1239 0 -
Artificial Intelligence: Are we transferring our biases to machines?
Photo: Polimerek in MIT Museum duringWikimania 2006/Wikimedia Are we transferring our biases to computers? With supervised learning, machines learn what we teach them. Just like our kids often perpetuate our belief systems, biases, and preferences, will...February 4, 2018 1398 0 -
How film Verna sparked Pakistan’s own debate in the year of #MeToo movement
Graphics by Mumtaz Hussain In a year of social movements, political upheavals, and #MeToo moment, Pakistan also produced a film, which speaks up for women’s rights and helps hihglight issues often hushed up in conservative, and...December 26, 2017 2016 0 -
Jinnah wanted a broad and inclusive idea of Islam for Pakistan
Minar-e-Pakistan in Lahore, where Pakistan Resolution was passed Photo: Lime.adeel/Wikimedia Commons The debate around the definition of Islam and its relationship to Pakistan’s identity has become vitriolic, obfuscating and violent. It also threatens a breakdown of...December 23, 2017 1930 0 -
Most citizens believe openness to foreigners a defining American trait
So what is your take on the issue of American openness to foreigners in the light of ongoing heated debates on immigration and economic implications of it for the United States? Some of the rhetoric and...August 8, 2017 1421 0 -
Editorial: Stop extremism from lynching the Pakistani society
The gruesome killing of Mashal Khan in mob violence has shocked all those who believe in tolerance, moderation and the rule of law. The lynching of 23-year-old student of journalism at Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan,...April 17, 2017 1314 0 -
Pakistani Society – The Old vs The New
The “new” is not necessarily the better. This small fact is often trampled before the juggernaut of the new. The “old” is often berated as obsolete and is considered something worthy to be jettisoned in the...March 23, 2017 3150 0 -
What will save Pakistanis society from corruption?
Money has been the Achilles heel of Pakistan politics. Even so-called champions of change are surrounded by the ubiquitous presence of big money investors. Excess baggage of self-respect is slowly being shed. They travel light. There...May 5, 2016 1058 0