Trump Administration
U.S. officials discussed conduccting nuclear tests
In the wake of allegations that China and Russia conducted low-yield nuclear tests, the Trump administration reportedly considered whether to carry out the first U.S. nuclear test explosion in 28 years. America’s top security officials discussed...May 24, 2020 702 0 -
US says closely following situation after India’s change of Kashmir status; concerned over detentions
The United States on Monday said it is closely following the unfolding developments in Kashmir after India’s decision to revoke special status for Kashmir and expressed concern over detentions while also urging all parties to maintain...August 5, 2019 710 0 -
India refuses to comply with U.S. sanctions against Iran
India, a major oil importer of Iranian oil, has ruled out implementing the U.S. sanction against Tehran as New Delhi fortifies its relations with Russia and works out a rapprochement with China, the two regional powers....May 28, 2018 1585 0 -
Federal Appeals Court keeps the travel ban frozen
Washington Dulles International Airport, Photo Joe Ravi via Wikimedia A 10-3 federal appeals court ruling Thursday kept the freeze on travel ban against citizens of six Muslim-majority countries. The court decision means core parts of the...May 25, 2017 1250 0 -
US concerned about India-Pakistan situation; to be part of efforts to deescalate tensions
Photo by Sam Holland via Wikimedia Commons In the first top level elaborate comments on tense South Asian security situation, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has said the Trump administration will try and “find its...April 4, 2017 2288 0