US, Pakistan work closely to step up Afghan peace drive
Pakistan has renewed its pledge to support Washington and Kabul for finding a political settlement to the 17-year-old conflict in Afghanistan. President Donald Trump’s special envoy flew into the region to kickstart the peace process with...January 9, 2019 949 0 -
Trump says he will end birthright citizenship with executive order
President Donald Trump has said he plans to sign an executive order ending birthright citizenship for the children of non-American citizens who are born on U.S. soil. Just a week before the high-stakes November 6 midterm...October 30, 2018 870 1 -
Trump says ‘severe punishment’ if Saudi journalist Khashoggi killed
In a rare expression of stern approach to Saudi Arabia, President Donald Trump, who has close ties with the ruling leaders, has said the United states will inflict “severe punishment” if the kingdom is found to be...October 13, 2018 980 1 -
Trump: U.S. will no more be ‘piggy bank that everybody is robbing’
Photo: Screenshot/White House YouTube channel President Donald Trump has told major world economies that the United States is no more a “piggy bank that everybody is robbing” as he argued for fair trade with partners in...June 9, 2018 1055 0 -
Future uncertain as Trump cancels summit with North Korea
A map showing Sea of Japan and countries surrounding North Korea Credit: Chris 73/Wikimedia Commons Citing “tremendous anger and open hostility” toward the United States, President Donald Trump on Thursday canceled next month’s planned summit with...May 24, 2018 1197 0 -
U.S. withdraws from Iran nuclear deal; to re-impose sanctions
President Donald Trump on Tuesday terminated the U.S. participation in the Iran nuclear deal, calling it “unacceptable” and while announcing re-imposition of sanctions against Tehran. “The Iran Deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions...May 8, 2018 1014 0 -
Trump’s political communication and the never-ending election season
Photo: Michael Vadon/Wikimedia Commons President Donald Trump has been at the center of political communication since the 2016 election season, when as candidate of the Conservative party he took the non-conformist use of social media to...April 27, 2018 1163 0 -
Friday Blog: Finally, a positive North Korea news for the Trump White House
Photo: An aerial view of Washington Monument. Credit: U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Andy Dunaway/Wikimedia Commons Thanks God it’s Friday (TGIF) Somewhat chill in the Air… کچھ کچھ خنکی سی Altogether it’s a lovely Friday evening...March 9, 2018 2010 0 -
Trump sticks to his call for sweeping immigration reform
President Donald Trump spoke of a “new American moment” in his State of the Union as he stuck to his call for a sweeping immigration reform with the construction of US-Mexican border wall, end to Diversity...January 31, 2018 1143 0 -
Trump faces backlash over remarks against African countries
Stunned by President Donald Trump’s reported remarks against countries including Haiti and African countries – denied by him later – American lawmakers and human rights organizations have reacted strongly to with strong criticism. The Washington Post...January 12, 2018 970 0