UN General Assembly deplores Russian invasion of Ukraine amid escalation
The United Nations General Assembly Wednesday adopted a resolution by a huge majority condemning Russia’s “aggression against Ukraine” and demanding that it withdraw from the neighboring country. The vote, after three days of debate in the...March 3, 2022 499 0 -
Diplomacy: Blinken finds unity of approach after series of discussions on Afghanistan
World ties with the new Afghan Government depend on Taliban's actions ...Read MoreSeptember 24, 2021 620 0 -
Trump on Kashmir – India, Pakistan are nuclear countries, they’ve gotta to work it out
Acknowledging the dangers of Kashmir conflict between nuclear armed Pakistan and India, President Trump has told both countries that they have to work out a resolution to the crisis that began with New Delhi’s August 5...September 26, 2019 880 3 -
A greeting in Arabic and ‘First Baby’ connect a divided world
This year’s gathering of world leaders at the United Nations in New York was marked by several “firsts”, distinguishing it from some of the previous annual sessions of the United Nations General Assembly. New Zealand’s “First...October 13, 2018 1026 0 -
FM calls out India on Kashmir repression; says New Delhi prefers politics over peace
Pakistan delivered a stinging rebuke to Indian policy of repression in the disputed Kashmir region under its control with foreign minister Shah Mahmoud Qureshi saying New Delhi prefers politics over peace. The Pakistani diplomat, speaking in...September 29, 2018 885 0 -
After meeting Trump FM Qureshi says U.S. leader positive on rebuilding US-Pakistan ties
Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on Monday he had met briefly with President Donald Trump at a reception the U.S. leader held for the world leaders attending the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly....September 25, 2018 1001 0 -
White House: Pakistan has much to gain by partnering with U.S.
Photo: Zach Rudisin via Wikimedia Commons Describing talks between Vice President Mike Pence and Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi as “important,” the White House has said Pakistan has much to gain from partnering with the United...September 20, 2017 1382 0