US Pakistan India
US asks India to take rapid action to address Kashmir crisis
The United States wants to see India take a rapid action on mitigating the Kashmir crisis through steps including immediate end to restrictions and release of people detained since August 5 clampdown that came with repeal...September 27, 2019 824 0 -
Trump vows to do his best on Kashmir mediation; State Department urges India to free detainees
With the siege of Kashmir now into third week, President Donald Trump Tuesday vowed to do his best to mediate on the thorny dispute between South Asian foes India and Pakistan. On the same day, Washington...August 20, 2019 889 0 -
Ahead of UNSC meeting on Kashmir, PM Khan calls President Trump
Just before the UN Security Council met to look at the spiraling Kashmir tensions between Pakistan and India, Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday called President Donald Trump to secure understanding and support for Islamabad’s position on...August 16, 2019 785 1 -
Indian claim of downing Pakistan’s F-16 jet falls flat after U.S. count
India’s claims of shooting down a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet in an aerial battle in Kashmir during the February have been exposed as lies after US Defense officials found in their count none of the Pakistani...April 5, 2019 1028 0 -
Diplomacy: Envoy appreciates U.S. role in de-escalating Pakistan-India tensions
Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States Asad Majeed Khan on Thursday appreciated the Trump Administration’s role in de-escalating Pakistan-India tensions as he discussed the situation with Senator Mitt Romney, Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee...March 8, 2019 811 0 -
U.S. steps up diplomacy to contain Pakistan-India crisis
President Trump may have come empty-handed from a meeting with North Korea leader over denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula but his administration is focused intently on containing a crisis between two South Asian nuclear powers Pakistan...February 28, 2019 822 0 -
U.S. asks Pakistan, India to exercise restraint; avoid escalation at any cost
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called for New Delhi and Islamabad to exercise restraint and avoid escalation at any cost following an Indian strike inside Pakistan. The U.S. chief diplomat issued a statement amid spiraling...February 27, 2019 729 0 -
George H W Bush supported Pakistan on many occasions
George H.W. Bush, who passed away at the age of 94 on Friday, led U.S. support for Pakistan on several important turns of the country’s turbulent past. I witnessed his relationships with Pakistani diplomats and leaders as...December 1, 2018 1051 1 -
U.S. urges Pakistan, India to resume peace dialogue at the earliest
President Donald Trump’s South Asia strategy “focuses on reducing tensions between Pakistan and India” and Washington urges the two countries to revive their dialogue at the earliest, a senior American diplomat said. “The United States does...November 10, 2017 1199 0 -
US has cautious approach to addressing South Asian conflicts
Indicating that the United States would avoid taking sides in South Asian conflicts, the State Department has said Washington has always been cautious about addressing Pakistan-India issues as it does not want to escalate tensions. “I...October 20, 2017 906 0