Washington D.C.
Oil gulping China and India may sustain Iranian exports after U.S. re-imposes sanctions
As the second largest and the sixth largest world economies respectively, China and India are oil gulping countries. Will they be able to offset any impact of the U.S. re-imposed sanctions against Iran after President Trump...May 15, 2018 991 0 -
Pakistan allows U.S. diplomat involved in fatal crash to leave the country
Constitution Ave, Islamabad, Credit: Zacharie Grossen/Wikimedia Commons In a development that could take some of the tension off the U.S.-Pakistan relations, American diplomat Colonel Joseph Emanuel Hall, who was involved in the fatal accident in the...May 14, 2018 1038 0 -
Pakistan’s new envoy expected to be in Washington D.C. later this month
Photo: Screenshot/JS Bank YouTube Pakistan’s new ambassador to the United States Ali Jehangir Siddiqui is expected to begin his assignment toward the end of May. The Pakistani embassy in Washington D.C. has received the agrement from...May 10, 2018 1064 0 -
Illinois entrepreneur recognized as 2018 Small Business Person of the Year
Photo: Small Business Administration The U.S. Small Business Administration Monday awarded an Illinois entrepreneur heading a pest management company as 2018 Small Business Person of the Year. Rebecca Fyffe received the award from Linda McMahon, Administrator of the...May 1, 2018 939 0 -
Pakistani teenage Dania Hassan among winners of US Emerging Young Leaders Award
Photo: U.S. State Department Pakistani teenage Dania Hassan, an activist working to raise the quality of education, will be among recipients of U.S. State Department’s Emerging Young Leaders Award for this year. The Emerging Young Leaders...April 30, 2018 1615 0 -
Washington conference to explore Pakistan’s potential, perils and place in the world
Pakistan’s vast economic potential and regional and internal perils will be part of the discussion as some of the top Pakistani and American experts analyze the South Asian country seven decades after its inception. In a...April 11, 2018 2646 0 -
Cherry blossom peak bloom in D.C. now predicted to be April 8 to 12
Image Credit: USDA photo by Scott Bauer/Wikimedia Commons With cool weather persisting through March, the National Park Service has revised its prediction for this year’s Cherry Blossom peak bloom in Tidal Basin Washington D.C. to April...March 24, 2018 1272 0 -
Trump proposes $351 million in assistance for Pakistan in the 2019 budget
Photo: HiraV/Wikimedia Commons President Donald Trump has proposed $ 351 million in economic and security assistance for Pakistan in the fiscal 2019 budget, indicating the continued importance of U.S.-Pakistan cooperation to America’s South Asia policy. The...February 13, 2018 931 0 -
Afghan instability threatens Pakistan’s gains
Pakistan’s economic and security gains were at risk from continued Afghan instability, and it is in the country’s interest to work with the United States to help bring peace to Afghanistan, a top Pakistani official said....February 8, 2018 1232 0 -
UN says Afghanistan should not miss Kabul Process opportunity toward peace
Afghanistan-Pakistan border, Photo: CIA The United Nations envoy for Afghanistan has underscored the need for the landlocked country to achieve a political settlement with the armed opposition, pointing to an upcoming February meeting between the parties...December 22, 2017 1649 0