White House
Biden proclaims Juneteenth as federal holiday
In a landmark moment of American history, President Joe Biden proclaimed June19th as a federal holiday, reminding his fellow Americans of the power of that the emancipation of the Black people holds for the nation. Surrounded...June 19, 2021 782 0 -
White House, Senate agree on $2 trillion package to stimulate coronavirus-hit economy
The White House announced early Wednesday that it had reached a mammoth stimulus package deal with Senate to inject $2 trillion into the economy facing coronavirus outbreak disruption. After days of Capitol Hill negotiations the bipartisan...March 25, 2020 652 0 -
Trump Administration plans to send checks to Americans to mitigate coronavirus impact
Stepping up U.S. response to coronavirus outbreak, the White House said Tuesday the Administration wants to send checks to Americans in the next couple of weeks to mitigate its economic impact. Treasury Secretary Steven Munchin revealed, speaking...March 17, 2020 781 0 -
Trump vows new sanctions on Iran; steers US away from military escalation
The world leaders heaved a sigh of relief as President Trump steered the U.S. away from another war in the Middle East, telling Americans Wednesday that no troops were harmed in Iranian missile attacks on bases...January 8, 2020 656 0 -
Trump claims ‘total exoneration’ as Mueller finds no 2016 campaign collusion with Russia
President Donald Trump claimed “complete and total exoneration” as the Justice Department announcement that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe found no evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump’s 2016 election campaign. The president expressed his vindication...March 25, 2019 928 0 -
Trump to terminate trade preference status for India
President Donald Trump, who has been critical of India’s refusal to reciprocate U.S. trade concessions, has decided to terminate status for New Delhi, known as Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), which saw India sending $5.7 billion...March 5, 2019 877 0 -
Nikki Haley resigns as U.S. Ambassador to UN
In an unexpected development, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has resigned from her position and President Donald Trump has accepted her decision. Haley, a former governor of South Carolina, led the Trump Administration’s...October 9, 2018 969 0 -
Anonymous NYT piece cites inside resistance to Trump; White House rejects claim
Identified as a senior administration official author of an opinion piece in The New York Times has criticized President Donald Trump, claiming that the administration officials are resisting Trump’s “worst inclinations.” “I Am Part of the Resistance...September 6, 2018 894 0 -
White House aide looks forward to growing U.S.-Pakistan relationship
The United States and Pakistan have a lot to gain by working with each other, a senior aide to U.S. President Donald Trump, said while speaking at a Pakistan Day event at the country’s embassy in...March 24, 2018 1260 0 -
White House cites support for infrastructure reform
Photo: Cezary p/wikimedia The White House on Wednesday said Americans across the spectrum support taking actions to rebuild America’s infrastructure as President Donald Trump pledged reform to step up work toward that end. Trump has proposed...February 14, 2018 1427 0