World Health Organization
WHO warns of COVID-19 second peak
Amid mixed COVID-19 friends emerging in different regions, the World Health Organization has warned countries of the possibility of a second wave of coronvairus outbreak if precautionary measures are done away prematurely. The global body says...May 26, 2020 889 0 -
Lady Gaga to curate new program in celebration of healthcare workers fighting coronavirus
Image: Lady Gaga Credit: UN/WHO Singer and songwriter and Lady Gaga will curate a program One World Together At Home to celebrate the front line healthcare workers everywhere for their battle against coronavirus pandemic. The World...April 7, 2020 1298 0 -
Despite innovation, developing countries struggle to raise quality of health care
Photo by the Global Fund/Nana Kofi Acquah shows a home-based caregiver in a village near Kayar, Senegal It’s not just a lack finances, but a shortage of professional skills coupled with high percentage of patients contracting infection in...July 10, 2018 1403 0