A sunset over Potomac leaves a stunning summer glow
Photographer David Salik captured some stunning images of D.C. sunset over Potomac River on August 9 evening. The pictures taken from the top of the Watergate Hotel offer a sunset experience with stray clouds and sunglow...August 18, 2019 891 0 -
July 2019 was the hottest month ever recorded
It’s official now. The summer sun did not just bake parts of South Asia, South America, Africa or Europe last month. Rather, it was much more than the blazing sun. The seas, the lands and ice...August 15, 2019 785 0 -
New study illustrates the importance of U.S.-Immigrant Nobel connection
George Mason University Life from Fairfax, Virginia /Wikimedia Commons As a resounding answer to the anti-immigrant rhetoric in 2016, the United States got the news that six of the seven American Nobel Prize winners that year...December 17, 2018 1218 0 -
Sulayman Nyang’s enormous contribution to understanding of Islam
Image Credit: Dr. Sultan Chaudhry/www.sultandds.com When attorney-at-law and author Mowahid Hussain Shah invited me to attend his talk at Howard University a few years ago, I was excited to be part of the colloquium that would...December 11, 2018 1806 0 -
Climate Change: A blazing hot day in Pakistan; a deadly dust storm in India
Photo: Jessie Eastland/Wikimedia Common South Asia may not be the only region to experience climatic catastrophes but it certainly seems to be the region at risk. A UN weather expert has confirmed fears that this week’s...May 5, 2018 1813 0 -
Virginia to mark Teacher Appreciation Week from May 7-11 with a thank-you campaign
A guidance counselor at a Virginia Beach school in 2007, Credit: U.S. Navy John K. Hamilton/Wikimedia Commons Teachers, who help lay the foundations for society and economy, will have a full next week dedicated to appreciation...May 4, 2018 1244 0 -
Climate change concerns soar after Pakistani city records hottest April day
A map showing sizzling temperatures over Pakistan and India on Monday, in Celsius. (ogimet.com via @EKMeteo on Twitter) Another climate change warning hit the world this week when Nawabshah, a southern Pakistan city, recorded what many experts believe...May 3, 2018 1240 0 -
When diversity prospers under one roof
ALC participants Photo: UPF Organized jointly by the Universal Peace Foundation and The Washington Times, a discourse at last week’s American Leadership Conference witnessed a unique coming together of diverse faiths and intellectual leaders. Speakers from...May 2, 2018 1899 0 -
Fortune 500 company Arconic to move its global headquarters to Fairfax
Photo: Arconic Arconic Inc. (NYSE: ARNC), a global technology, engineering and advanced manufacturing leader, will relocate its global headquarters from New York City to Fairfax County. According to Governor Ralph Northam’s office, the move will bring approximately 50...May 2, 2018 1298 0 -
The difference between machine learning and deep learning
Collage photos:Phrenology (Left scanned by de:Benutzer:Summi and Kismet Robot (right) by Polimerek in MIT Museum/Wikimedia Can you distinguish between “Deep Learning” and “Machine Learning.”? What about “artificial intelligence”? Let’s start with the definition of artificial intelligence because this is where...May 1, 2018 1664 0